The Social Class In Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice

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The movie Pride and Prejudice is based on a novel by Jane Austen. The story is about Elizabeth Bennett who is an independent young girl that lives in England with her four sisters, her mother, and her father. Elizabeth meets Darcy and she doesn’t really like him and avoids him as possible. Darcy is reserved at first but starts to like Elizabeth. However Darcy restricts his affection for her because he is rich and is part of the high class whereas Elizabeth is from a middle-class family.
The author Jane Austen was writing in the most transformative eras of British history. Austen experienced the beginning of industrialization in England. The movie shows concerns over property, money and status that highlight’s the social scale of the eighteenth and early ninetieth-century England. The film shows the broad social class that included those who owned land as well as the professional classes (Lawyers, doctors, and clergy). Throughout this time there were strict inheritance laws. The law for owning property was that it would go to male children or male relatives rather than breaking it up ...

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