The Social Change in Religion

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The Social Change in Religion Religion has two meanings in sociology, the inclusive definition also known, as the functional definition is the most general and refers to following a set of rules or rituals. This could include football and vegetarianism, as well as more traditional religions such as Christianity and Judaism. The exclusive definition, also known as the substantive, requires a belief in a god or similar higher being. This is the definition I will be using for my essay. Social change is the process of a society moving on either slowly by evolution as believed by functionalists or quickly by revolution as believed by Marxists. Most sociologists argue that religion doesn’t lead to social change. Functionalists believe it creates consensus so there is no need for change. Feminists believe that because religion is patriarchal men it prevents social change by using god to suppress women and keep them from power. Marxists believe religion is used to prevent the working class revolting. One of the major differences between the perspectives of Functionalism and Marxism is that while the former tends to see the functions of religion in terms of the benefits it brings to society as a whole (keeping consensus), Marxists tend to see religious ideas benefiting a ruling class (preventing the ruling class revolting). However one sociologist, Weber, says religion does lead to social change. Weber is a neo Marxists and expands on the Marxists philosophy. Functionalists are consensus theorist; as far as social change is concerned they emphasize the fact that it is a slow and gradual evolutionary change. This is beca... ... middle of paper ... ...ety, something that Catholics do not get. In short Catholics can go to a priest to confess their sins and become forgiven, Protestants can’t do this, and they have to wait till judgment day. They believe that if they are successful in business then that is a sign that god is pleased with them. I believe that we can only say that religion leads to social change if we can prove that before religion social change was slower than it is now. Religion may be suppressing social change but we just don’t see it because we don know that it was once better. However in my opinion religion neither aids nor prevents social change, instead I believe that religion encourages use not to look for faults in society, which could be perceived by sociologists (especially Marxists) as being deliberate in order to prevent social change.

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