The Social And Social Impacts Of The Industrial Revolution

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When discussing industrialization much of what is discussed occurs during the industrial revolution. Unlike other revolutions which mostly impacted borders, territorial expansions, change in political regimes, etc., the Industrial revolution was change of a different sort. Occurring mostly within America and Europe, the Industrial Revolution impacted society as a whole by introducing innovations which impact the way one generally lives on a day-to-day basis. New machinery, methods, and techniques of producing goods such as the way clothes are made, or the way waste is produced changed the way society functioned. Overall, the Industrial Revolution improved quality of life. Initially, however such rapid change also caused human suffering of a …show more content…

Social satisfaction often came from within the household, by working together and other rural-like amusements. Families often relied upon one another for both, economic and social support, and their communities played a role as well. They lived in small villages, either working in agriculture or as skilled craftsmen. Often everything was performed by hand. During the transition to industrial revolution living, new employment opportunities opened up for women, men and children alike. Families split apart, moved away, or engaged in work that other people of the same gender and age would themselves engage in. Enclosures laws required that grazing grounds be fenced in at the owner 's expense and as a result left many families bankrupt. Machines now capable of huge outputs made small hand weavers extinct. Working in a factory was the only choice which remained for many people. Harsh working conditions, reduced wages, longer working hours (up to 18 hours/day) left time for little to no family contact all of which contributed to the breakdown of traditional rural family values. . Furthermore, dwelling units were often shared with other

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