Understanding Suicidal Tendencies in College Students

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The college population often blame themselves for the wrongdoing that is going on all over the world around them which creates the idea that killing themselves will solve these said problems. Students who are depressed often think about suicide and in turn attempt to perform this action. In most cases some parents are aware of the mental state of their child, but usually feel uncomfortable expressing their thoughts on the topic. This is a result of parents believing that when they communicate to their child about suicide they will potentially get embarrassed and attempt suicide just to avoid the conversation from repeating. If the student knows that someone cares they may realize what they have done to themselves and begin to try and fix it and form a better …show more content…

Students dealing with their problems for themselves is also extremely important for not only the students mental health but also his value is expressed in Elizabeth William’s “The Stigmatizing Effects of Depression and its Impact on Roommates in College Populations”, Williams focuses on how personal and self stigmas affect mental health and how students deal with their illness. The results show a trend indicating that individuals who lived alone without roommates were less accepting of others. This proves the factor of being alone can affect someone stronger than you think. In addition, the study examines individuals with depression and the role that stigmas, such as disgrace or social anxiety, has in relation to thoughts and feelings towards roommates in undergraduate college populations. Stigmas of depression include self stigmatization, which causes the student to create a shameful and secretive environment for themselves. The effect of these stigmas is the relationship between the depressed student and the roommate is never accurately formed which will cause several problems between student and

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