The Setting In Voltaire's Candide

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Candide is set in both genuine and anecdotal areas all through Europe and Latin America in the 1750's—Lisbon is 100% genuine and places like El Dorado are 100% dreamland. The setting takes place over most of Candide's lifetime and the everyday world in which Candide is set is fantastical and emotional—it's curiously brimming with occurrences and catastrophes. The overstated scene outlines the misrepresented identities of Voltaire's characters, while as yet making the content a piece of our existence. The novel start in the palace of the Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh is Westphalia. The setting then moves to Walderberghoff-trarbk-dikdorff. At that point it then moves to Holland. The next chapter in the novel is set in a watercraft, which gets wrecked.

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