The Series Of Gregor Experiences In Kafka's 'Gregor'

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1. The series of rhetorical questions Kafka utilized emphasizes the merciless treatment Gregor receives at the firm. Kafka depicts the dehumanization Gregor experiences, as companies fail to recognize the individual since businesses only care about the efficiency of the individual. It illustrates that a company has suspicion of anyone who skips a day from work and assumes that he or she is dishonest. Kafka implies that businesses ignore its employees and places importance on profit and accomplishment. Companies do not consider personal relationships and the employee’s children, but companies use an employee’s trust for materialistic pursuit. Gregor’s chief clerk came to Gregor’s house to check on Gregor, as he was concerned that Gregor should …show more content…

Kafka concludes the book stating that Gregor’s family left the apartment, illustrating that the family has moved on without him. The family showed no signs of missing Gregor, revealing that the family viewed Gregor’s death as a heavy burden lifted rather than the death of a family member. Gregor’s family left the apartment, revealing that the family had more freedom and opportunities once Gregor died. Kafka uses the phrase “open air outside” to signify the freedom Gregor’s family enjoyed once Gregor died. The mood of the book is gloomy and melancholy, however when Kafka mentions the family was sitting in the tram “engulfed by the warm sun” and was “leaning back comfortably in their seats,” the mood shifted to lighthearted. Gregor’s transformation resulted in the family’s lifestyle transformation as well. Gregor’s father, mother, and sister, obtained jobs in order to support the family. Kafka even mentions that Gregor’s father, mother, and sister had jobs that were “extremely favorable and with especially promising prospects,” indicating that Gregor’s family had a better lifestyle after Gregor’s death than when Gregor was working with the firm. Gregor was a kind person, as he worked to pay off his parents’ debt for them instead of his family working. However, Gregor’s family seemed to forget that Gregor provided money to sustain the family before he transformed into a bug. Gregor’s family seemed unappreciative of Gregor’s help after he died because now the family has to work, but they appreciated the freedoms they acquired once Gregor died. Kafka states that the family’s greatest improvement in their situation was a change in residence. The family appears to resent for bringing home the income and making the decisions for the family, revealing that Gregor was in charge of the family and controlled every aspect of the family’s lifestyle, as Gregor chose where the family lived. With Gregor dead, the family had the freedom to choose where they want to live. Gregor’s

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