The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Movie And Movie

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Can you imagine taking a short story and turning it into a movie and the movie being better? That is exactly what happened to the short story, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber. People were able to take a five page short story into a two hour movie which was better. One of the first reasons that the movie is better is the characters. There were only two main characters in the whole short story. Since there were only two characters, we only got to see how Walter interacted with his wife and nobody else. Walter Mitty’s wife also kept nagging at him, which added to his misery. In the short story, Mrs. Mitty said “You know I don’t like to go more than forty. You were up to fifty-five.” pg 1-2. The difference with the movie is that it introduced a lot more characters and got rid of his wife. That leads to the new character of Cheryll, his love interest. Cheryll was important because she gave Walter a happy ending and hope. In the movie, Walter even said, “And I started to imagine you… singing Major Tom. Anyway… it got me on the helicopter.” Another really important new …show more content…

During the story,most people would feel concerned for Walter and his daydreams. Many people would be like Mrs. Mitty when she said, “It’s one of your days. I wish you’d let Dr. Renshaw look over you.” Walter’s wife and many readers were concerned that he was going to get himself hurt if the daydreams kept coming. The movie was very different. Throughout the movie, a lot of people could have become anxious to see what happens and they get excited. When told says, “Really? Then I’ll put down ‘adrenaline junkie.’ What kind of shark?”, we can automatically see Walter has an exciting life. People see or hear this and get really excited to see what happens next and what happens to the characters. Many people will see that the movie was better because of how it made them feel versus how the story made them

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