The Searching Of Life In Viktor Frankl's Search For Meaning

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Often, people ask themselves daily what the meaning of life is. Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning examines the meaning of human existence during his time in concentration camps. Frankl miraculously survived to write his memoir on how he found the strength to live. Socrates, a great philosopher, also addresses the philosophical aspects of man’s searching in his dialogue Meno. Meno analyzes the form of virtue. I shall argue why the search for meaning has personal significance in one’s life and that it requires teamwork in order to be achieved. In this essay, we will first explore how Frankl found meaning in his life and how this meaning relates to logotherapy. Then we will study how achieving significance satisfies our own will to meaning and how meaning can be found through suffering. Finally, we will examine how the search for meaning relates to the philosophical dialogue Meno by emphasizing how teamwork plays a role in the search for meaning. To begin, I will explain how Frankl found meaning in his life despite the harsh conditions of the concentration camps. Frankl says, “Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a …show more content…

Although, Meno failed to search intrinsically for meaning, Socrates pushed Meno to understand that only he can discover things for himself. We must turn away from external things that cloud our vision in order to open up our internal life. By looking at the world, and inside ourselves, we are able to find our own meaning of life at a specific moment. Frankl explains in Man’s Search for Meaning that we give suffering meaning by how we respond to it. I believe that man can live and die for his ideals and values! The question “what is the meaning of life?” may never be fully answered because everyone finds their own significance in life through internal reflection and

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