The Sabbath As Christ Beloved

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The Called & Empowered: Calvary greetings in the Holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one that was, that is, and that will forever be. The Lord has given us the Grace to have six of the seven days of the week for ourselves, but the seventh day He set aside for Himself as the Sabbath day. {Exodus, 34:-21} That seventh day, the Holy Sabbath is less than twenty four hours from now. As Christ Beloved, it is our duty to keep the commandments of our Heavenly Father and honor the Sabbath as it is written in the book of Isaiah, 58:-13-14. For our worship to be accepted, we must clear our minds from grudges and evil thought. That we should honor the Sabbath as Holy of the Lord is not a request but a commandment of God to His chosen and Beloveds.

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