The Runaway Jury

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The Runaway Jury

John Grisham is known for writing fiction books on legal issues. John Grisham is also one of my favorite authors. My favorite book of his is The Runaway Jury. I have read The Runaway Jury many times. When I read The Runaway Jury again for this assignment I focused on the legal issues, and I now have a new perspective on the issues portrayed in this book. The issues I focused on was selecting an impartial jury and showing what unethical behavior leads to in law.

The Runaway Jury follows the case of Celeste Wood, the widow of Jacob Wood, who has died from lung cancer after years of smoking three packs a day, versus Pynex, one of the Big Four tobacco companies in the United States. The book starts out right before jury selection. Up to this point the tobacco companies have been winning the majority of all the court cases. Pynex has an account called The Fund which contains millions of dollars to defend these lawsuits, and is run by Rankin Fitch. Mr. Fitch uses The Funds to also pay off jurors. The plaintiffs are represented by Wendell Rohr. Both the defendants and ...

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