The Roller Coaster Ride: A Short Story

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The Roller Coaster ride My back is so sore, and I’m feeling tired from the long drive ss we are just getting into Edmonton, cruising in my mom’s grey minivan, I say to my mother “are we almost there yet?” yes, but looks like we’ll be stopping for coffee my girl’ mom says to me, I sit back and light a cigarette, looking out the window at all the traffic listening to the radio. Then Livia says “once we check into our room we will go check out the mall’ “aye, Leah?” “Yeah sure” I say, I throw out my smoke, we are pulling into the drive threw, I can hear the lady’s voice “Hello, welcome too Tim Horton’s how I help you?” Hello, “can I get 4 large triple triples” my step dad says, “anything else” …show more content…

“Yeah see yeah later” we both tell him well then “let’s go on the roller coaster” she tells me. “Alright” Let go line up,’’ I tell her that I never went on a roller coaster for a real long time and that I feel nervous.’’ She just stares at me with a smile n we both hop on the roller coaster. Once it starts moving my eyes are closed because of how high we are going, once we get up to the top Livia tells to me “open your eyes and enjoy the ride then laughs a little” so I do open my eyes and when I do we are going so fast down and up and all around, yelling and screaming our lungs out “whoooo!” we both say while the roller coaster is sin motion. When the ride stops I can see my mother and step dad waiting for us, Me & Livia look at each other and start laughing out loud because of how our hair looks all messy and stuff, we both quickly fix our hair then hop off the roller

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