The Roles of Women in Shakespeare's Works

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The Roles of Women in Shakespeare's Works During Shakespeare's time there was a system which divided the people - and the women - into different classes. Women from the classes were also treated differently - from each other and from present time. The population had two classes - the upper class and the lower class. Upper class women were effectively property of their father or their husband and they had no wealth of their own. On the other side of the scale were the lower class that could actually "own" property and wealth. One may state "Surely the lower class should be the upper as they have personal assets?". However the class was given owing to the fact the upper class women had a higher status in society. Women are portrayed in countless talented roles and Shakespeare hints at the roles of women behind the scenes. Each of the three leading women characters is different. The wife and family mother is portrayed by Lady Capulet - upper class. Shakespeare does not choose to promote the upper classes in status. He demonstrates their ways as daft, he shows them to be slothful with no respect for others and this is shown by the two family's conflict which no one can seem to remember why they are fighting. Romeo and Juliet said that they would give up their names - ""and I'll no longer be a Capulet" - to be together. Giving up the names were enthusiastic ideas of the pair, otherwise they would have defended it by killing each other. Lady Capulet is younger than her husband which was the norm in that time and it is also probable that she married very young to Capulet. From this we can understand that Lady Capulet would sympathise wit... ... middle of paper ... ...uliet, there would be no violence. In the play she is owned by her father, Capulet, who transfers ownership of her to Paris. Juliet says that she can love Paris if her parents like - "I'll look to like" - and we can see this is logical for her as she was safeguarded from males except the ones in the family. When we look at Romeo, we can see Shakespeare making the point that men are usually to blame instead of the women. It's true that the men in the two families started the war, not the women. Romeo falls in love in with a younger girl who he has only just discovered; thoughtlessly sleeps with Juliet (so she is now not a virgin and cannot be married to Paris or any other 'gentleman'. Shakespeare enforces this point by making the male characters seem idle and have not much to do, and also brawl for the sake of it.

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