The Roles And Reflection Of Teaching Values To Children

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This will be an in depth research paper on teaching values to children. It will also describe why values are important in society. Values need to be taught at home and at school as well; children spend more time at home than they do at school. Teaching values, not just rules allow children to make ethical decisions, they teach them personal responsibility, and they also promote moral integrity. Leading by example is important in justifying the subscription of values and moral education.

Teaching Values
Teaching values is important. Values allow children to make ethical decisions, they teach them personal responsibility, and values promote moral integrity. Values define an individual’s behavior, ethical or unethical.
Ethical Decisions
Children make sense of the world around them through stories. They use the contents of stories to depict insights to their own lives and moral dimensions. Storytelling in a classroom setting allows students to share personal experiences and gives them a chance to challenge or discuss their own ethical deliberations. (Simon and Olds, 1976) explained that children need to understand the range of possibilities for …show more content…

Molding them into well-rounded individuals that give the proper respect to others is the objective. Moral education is the matter of shaping children’s disposition through means of praise and admonition, example and modeling, rule-enforcement and boundary-setting, and habituation and training. (Michael Hand, 2014) Teachers intentions should be to help children see that there is good reason to engage in moral inquiry by instruction or by guiding the direction of the discussion within the classroom. Moral inquiry is the investigation of whether and which moral standards are justified. (Michael Hand, 2014) Children must not only understand moral standards, but to believe in the justification of these

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