The Role of A Mayor and Personal Opinion as to Best Candidate for Toronto Mayor

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Roles of the Mayor
What's a mayor supposed to do? To further understand the duties and responsibilities of a mayor, I looked into provincial acts relating to this (The City of Toronto Act). According to this act1 a mayor's role is:

As a member of council: to represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the City to develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the City to determine which services the City provides to ensure that polices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of council; to ensure the accountability and transparency of the operations of the City to maintain the financial integrity of the City to carry out the duties of council
As head of council: to preside over meetings of council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and effectively; to act as CEO of the city and provide leadership to council; to represent the City at official functions; and to carry out the duties of the head of council uphold and promote the purposes of the City; promote public involvement in the City’s activities; act as the representative of the City both within and outside the City, and promote the City locally, nationally and internationally participate in and foster activities that enhance the economic, social and environmental well-being of the City and its residents.

The points above are what the mayor is required to do. Someone can do what they're are supposed to but how do they do it well? How would they meet and exceed the requirements for mayor? How would they be excellent and superior at representing the people?

My Ideal Mayor: listens to the people of the city: How could they you represent someone without listening to their concerns? collaborates with the councillors an...

... middle of paper ... another chance, to ensure democratic integrity, even if he doesn't agree with them.21

Why would I support Gord Perks?
Gord Perks matches the requirements of my ideal mayor, as I earlier defined. I first discovered Councillor Perks, through a response to concerns from one of his constituents, about a past situation, however still relevant, about our current mayor. He provided and communicated an effectively written, well reasoned evidence-based response to his constituents. He, unlike some other councillors, insisted that the people should remain in control of our government, and that the people should get to decide who represents them; this is what made me interested in him. Further investigation of his policies, such as the ones relating to the environment and transportation, led me to confirm that Gord Perks would indeed be the one I would support to be mayor.

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