The Role Of Women In Martin Luther's 95 Theses

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Political greed and desire for land by the German princes and the education of Free Cities resulted in immense support from vast crowds which allowed for the Protestant Reformation to occur. As did the social developments included in Martin Luther’s, author of the 95 Theses, ideas of women rights, bibles/masses, and availability of literature. This developments resulted in certain groups, genders, and classes converting to Protestantism, which allowed the Protestant Reformation to establish. German princes yearned for land, power, and wealth and the ideas Lutheranism contained gave them all of that. Lutherans believed that taxes should be paid to the rulers of the land, which would be the German Princes, instead of the church, like Catholics believed in. Also, if the Lutheranism was to be the true religion then the princes would own all of the church’s land. This was enough for them to support Luther. Free Cities, or imperial cities are cities that are not controlled by a prince. Merchants, lawyers, and literate folk made up the majority of these towns. Residents of …show more content…

The home, cities, economic life and government would virtually disappear. Men cannot do without women. Even if it were possible for men to beget and bear children, they still could not do without women.” This concept and one's similar to it really affected how people thought of women, they were now embraced more. Protestant Reformers agreed with clerical marriages, this challenged the degradation of women as temptresses. Protestants also believe in the importance of home and family, thus adding value to wives and children. Also, women would have a right to divorce and remarry- with good reason. The degrading of women caused a desire for better rights for them and when Lutheranism provided that, they gained the backing of the majority of women. This definitely was a social development that changed the church, Protestantism would never be the same

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