Women's Rights Evolution in Afghanistan: A Historical Overview

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After the takeover of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Quran was pressed upon the whole country, and women were most affected. Women were not given any choice in their lifestyles, but the change had only been beneficial to them. In 1973, the country selected President Khan to be their leader. President Khan fought for women’s rights to ban veils and freedom, but only larger cities were reformed. Those in rural areas still had the traditional customs. Then in 1979, the People Democratic Party of Afghanistan persisted women get an education, abolished bride prices, and raised the marrying age for girls. From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban placed rules that forbid women from committing any sin or harm, such as, having a job and seeking medical help …show more content…

Khaled Hosseini, an inspirational author, has experienced and wrote books based on the society and culture of Afghanistan. In A Thousand Splendid Suns, the main protagonist, Laila, is in the middle of a war-fighting country. At one point, her father says to her, “marriage can wait, education cannot” (Hosseini 103). Her father urges her to take the advantages of knowledge rather than jumping into marriage. Marriage is a life-long process that according to the Quran, bids a woman to follow her husband. All in all, it’s general knowledge that love, respect, and trust is what keeps the strong bond between man and wife. There have been too many times where they have been caged and looked down upon. Women deserve the same equality as men. It won’t happen immediately, but the change is happening, slowly. One way to gain that right, is to create an organization and promote the idea of women being able to get a job, education, and not being married at an early age in Afghanistan. The organization would be able to collect money for two buildings. One building will be for a school, so that women get the education they deserve. The other building opens up for opportunities for a job. Those jobs could range from sewing to cooking. Women are more than just a trophy to just sit there and act as though they do not have a voice. The challenge may be a struggle but not

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