The Role Of Terror In Stalin's Great Terror

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In the mid 1930s Stalin borrowed a long-lived leadership tactic from history, and set the stage for others to follow in his footsteps. He ruled by terror and force, believing that only fear could consolidate and maintain his power. As one method of ensuring this, Stalin called for a series of purges in the 1930s known as the Great Terror, in the hopes of eliminating opposition to the Soviet and securing his power. The result, however, was a diminished military, a mistreated and underfed population, and a giant step backwards in unifying Russia around communism. Stalin’s Great Terror was a social, economic, and political failure and interrupted him in creating a strong communist society. The early purges, post-Kirov, resulted in Stalin’s complete …show more content…

Lenin, a communist revolutionary prior to Stalin’s reign, believed that the strength of the communist party depended on unity with the masses (“Nikita Khrushchev: Speech on the Cult of Personality (1956)”). This sentiment was destroyed by Stalin’s purges. Stalin’s regime was built on terror, and it can be seen through his policies that he believed fear was the key to consolidating power. After his death Khrushchev remarked on the inefficiency of Stalin’s cult following, and criticized him for straying so far from true Marxism-Leninism. Police terror occurred in the early stages of the Great Terror because of small opposition groups among the peasants. This newfound power among the police to arrest and call for executions kept the peasants from revolting, and suppressed any opposition. The catch, however, was that the people were becoming more and more opposed to Stalin, they were only keeping quiet to avoid arrest. This did not benefit the communist party in any way, because (as believed by Lenin) the government depends on its people. Moreover, as soon as Stalin died the leaders of the communist party began criticizing him for presenting himself as infallible (Khrushchev). Stalin’s Cult of Personality was developed by the Great Terror, but by straying so far from Marxism-Leninism, it only

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