The Role Of Suicide In Romeo And Juliet

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Suicide is a very serious and dangerous; once it is committed nothing can be done about it. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, both of the main characters (Romeo and Juliet) committed suicide. Fate seemed to be against the pair of star-crossed lovers. Unlike in Romeo and Juliet, if one has a friend that is considering suicide, fate is never against them, and there are many things they could do to respond to that friend. One thing that could be done is to talk to someone else about it.. If you know that someone is considering suicide the least you can do for that person is telling someone like a responsible parent, teacher, or counselor. Friar Lawrance in Romeo and Juliet knew of both Romeo’s and Juliet’s suicide plans, and tried to prevent them with his own plan that eventually failed. This is a good representation of what can happen when trying to deal with a suicidal friend on our own. It is always a good idea to get help from a responsible other. In addition to …show more content…

Arguing should not be done with the person who is considering suicide. Along with that, another thing that should not be done is telling them they will hurt people, because at this point it will only make things worse. Do not blame yourself; making you the scapegoat will not fix someone’s depression, or thoughts of suicide. Never swear or promise to keep your conversations of suicide with that person secret, because if you care about that person you will speak to an adult about it… Lying to a person in that mind state will only make things worse, making things seem even more hopeless. On the contrary, Romeo and Juliet were so angry that each other had died that they committed suicide… If they had thought through it and not acted on emotion, maybe neither one of them would have committed suicide. Suicide must be thought out, make sure you make anyone considering suicide aware of that; to not act on

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