The Role Of PTSD In The Military

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Many people know PTSD as the disorder that many of our military come home to face due to the horrific things that they have to go through (Par. 1). PTSD is not only found in our military but also in victims that have been sexually assaulted, mugged, kidnapped, car accidents, etc.(Par. 1).What many people do not know is what the disorder actually is. PTSD is a condition in which the persons “fight-or-flight” response is changed or damaged (Par. 1). PTSD is a mental condition that can be set off by a horrifying event. (Mayo Clinic) Many others besides our returning military can be exposed to PTSD. People that can be exposed can range from infants to the elderly, all depending on when he or she was exposed to the horrific event. Many people with PTSD may feel like there is no way out but there are plenty of treatments and medications for this disorder. Symptoms …show more content…

The symptoms of re-experiencing can include having bad dreams that can awake that person. They may just randomly have flashbacks on that one specific event or in some cases many different events causing them to become irritable or angry, some may have such awful flashbacks that they could become suicidal. Avoidance symptoms can range from depression due to feeling guilty about an event you have experience, that person may not associate with certain places or things that could remind them of the events. For example, if someone was raped in an alley way they will not want to go near alleyways. Hyper arousal symptoms include waking at night due to the slightest of sounds or not being able to sleep much at all (Par. 3). In some cases a person can become short-tempered and angry at the thought of their traumatic event (Mayo

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