The Role Of Justice In Oedipus Rex

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Last week, I had an opportunity to read Oedipus Rex, which was a fantastic play. Oedipus Rex presents different perspectives of a person’s life, and the impact they might have on his/her descendants. For example, Oedipus’s great grandparent committed a crime that affected Oedipus later on in his life. However, Oedipus isn’t even born when the crime take place. In addition, Oedipus Rex presents the notion of justice, which I agree with because I believe that justice is essential, and fair just, as it portrays in the play; however, I do think that justice can be unfair sometimes due to ones’ ulterior motives. Justice portrays as essential in the play due to the pressure that lays upon finding the murder of Laius. For instance, Oedipus

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