The Role Of Hospitality In The Odyssey

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In the epic poem, The Odyssey, by Homer, the author portrays various forms of hospitality in Greek society that characterized a character civilized or uncivilized. Homer tells the tale of king Odysseus from the island Ihaka, struggles to come back home, his long and vast journey filled with numerous obstacles. Throughout Odysseus's quest, he experiences countless forms of hospitality, either generous or harsh, that determines the civilized host from the uncivilized. For instance, the Phaiakians generous hospitality greatly admired and appreciated in Greek society, whereas the Kyklops's cruel hospitality that leads to his punishment and suffering. Along Odysseus quest, Greek society emphasizes generous hospitality and obeying the rules, …show more content…

When Odysseus wanders through the branches of olives, Odysseus came into contact with Alkinoos daughter Nausikaa offered clothing and comfort when said, “you shall not lack for clothing or any other comfort due to a poor man in …show more content…

From The Odyssey, the host that's hospitable are civilized and treated with respected and honored, the host that's inhospitable are uncivilized and treated horribly. This idea contributes to a ranking system of hospitality, civilized beings are top tier and hospitable, uncivilized beings are bottom tier and inhospitable. Thereby the idea of hospitality separated groups that are produced from society to form civilized and uncivilized. This ranking system of hospitality what organized Greek society and influences one’s treatment towards another. All in all, hospitality plays a significant part in Greek society. Homer reveals the civilized and uncivilized people in Ancient Greek culture and society through different forms of hospitality of his epic poem. The importance to understand the culture and society in Ancient Greece how different forms of hospitality back then contributes to the connection between people and how different forms of hospitality are now in present

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