The Role Of God In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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One reason that I identify myself with one God is because I believe that He is the reason this world exists. For example, in the story, Noah’s God was angry how people were being unrighteous on the earth, so He made the flood to destroy every living being and regret creating them (Genesis 6:11). This shows that God created human beings and His will must be done on the earth. Another reason I believe God is the only one true God is because he performed miracles to show his great power to those who didn’t believe in him. In the flood story, God spoke to Noah, warning him that there will be a great flood that will destroy every living being. This demonstrates how powerful God is and that He will bring justice to those who do evil and mercy for those who obey. Additionally, I find God to be forgiving and merciful, for He gave his only son to forgive our sins. …show more content…

They often had mixed emotions with there owns and with human beings. For instance, in the flood story not all the gods agreed to bring the flood against their people. Elile the god that brought the flood against his people said “Not one was to have survived the destruction.” (the Epic of Gilgamesh, 21). This shows the gods had no interest in any human being, because all have disobey, then death upon all the obedience and the disobedience. I believe most of them didn’t have purpose to create mankind for their wells, each gods desired what pleased, and benefited them. They showed no justice for those who did evil. To emphasis, only one of the gods saw that Utnapshtm was obedience and helped him to survive the flood (the Epic of Gilgamesh,

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