The Role Of Corruption In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Throughout history we see a lot of dreamers dreaming of a world that is completely free corruption a utopia, this unfortunately is a non maintainable goal Because humans are fallen and our Corruption is inevitable, in short Individuals only think about themselves “It is all lies. man serves the interests of no creature except himself”(30-31). It is clear that people should think of what is best for everyone. George Orwell's literary work Animal Farm symbolizes the corruption that happens, and the three main ways it can happen: people being uneducated, being too easily fooled, and allowing one person to have complete power. In the Animal Farm the first and and most IMPORTANT mistake that caused the downfall of this utopian world, is without …show more content…

Consequently this caused them to give too much control to the pigs. To illustrate they allowed the pigs to solely equip the tool of language, as a result the pigs could then distort the seven laws to benefit themselves. In addition They never questioned the actions of the pigs, as a result the pigs could then walk all over the other animals. ‘The early apple were now ripening, and the grass of orchard was littered with windfalls. the animals had assumed that as a matter of course that these will be shared equally; one day, however, the order went forth that all the windfalls were to be collected and brought to the harness-room for the use of the pigs”(51-52). the pigs started by taking what they did not work for. The last blunder that the working class animals made was allowing Napoleon to take full authority over the farm. Not surprisingly this allowed the pigs to change the political status of “Animal Farm” from a Utopia to a monarchy. Therefore by them listening to Napoleon he could easily take on the role of dictatorship over the farm. “No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from a pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which”(139). In conclusion the animals were once again under the control of an a human-like

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