The Role Of Buddhism In The Star Wars Saga

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When observed through Buddhist lens, the Star Wars saga can be said to be intrinsically Buddhist; the many underlying themes that characterize the saga continuously point towards the dharma that is crucial to Buddhist philosophy. In Star Wars, many of the characters behave in ways which can be said to align with the noble eightfold path, which allows characters such as the Jedi knights to obtain the levels of morality, concentration, wisdom, and mindfulness that are associated with reaching nirvana. The concept of the force that weaves the saga together, can also be said to be a reflection of Buddhist thought, as it mirrors the notion that all beings are interconnected. Not only do the Jedi knights have qualities that pertain to Buddhist monastics, …show more content…

Prominent scholar Todd Lewis, defines the noble eightfold path as: “the cultivation of morality, meditation, and insight or wisdom” (Lewis 72). Using Lewis’ definition as a guide, one can begin to explore some of the most exemplary teachings of Buddhism. First, an individual who practices Buddhism cannot advance into stages such as meditation practice and the formation of wisdom without mastering the former: morality. From Gautama Buddha’s perspective, Shila (morality), is a means to progressively advance towards the middle path. If an individual is not actively cultivating integrity, and is behaving immorally, according to Lewis, they are simply not “ accumulating the positive balance of karma needed to reach advanced stages of the path” (72). In Buddhism, morality is essential to gaining merit and there are different moral codes that both the lay people, and the sangha are expected to follow. From the eightfold path, a moral code by the name of the five precepts was developed: no harming, no stealing, no sexual misconduct,no lying, and no intoxication. These precepts are supposed to be followed by Buddhist practitioners; yet because of human nature, it is common for lay people, and even some monks, to divert from the teachings from time to time. In the context of Star Wars, one can see the theme of morality in the duality between the light and the dark side of the force. In the saga, the dark side encourages anger, leading some jedis to turn their backs to the teachings of their masters. A relevant example of the role morality plays in Star Wars is the story of Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker is a good jedi who is seduced by the dark side of the force, becoming a dark lord of the sith known by the name of Darth Vader. Although Vader decides to cling onto feelings such as fear and anger (or in Buddhist terms, upadana), which in turn cause him to lose grasp of the light side ( or of the

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