The Role Of Antihero In Kim Savage's After The Woods

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As original ideas in literature and film are starting to become a dying breed, writers are now giving characters with traditional roles very untraditional characteristics. In the novel After the Woods, Kim Savage, the author of the story, incorporates a very contemporary type of character known as an antihero. Often either hated or loved by reader, the antihero is a protagonist in a story whose characteristics are seen by many as selfish and crude. These characteristics include a diminished sense of morality, cowardice, and very strong sense of self-interest. The antihero in the novel After the Woods is Liv, the more self-centered of the two female, teenage protagonists. In this response paper I will attempt to explain why readers such as myself take such liking to such a controversial and morally ugly character. The first reason that readers like characters such as Liv so much is that they portray the unappealing and intrinsic selfishness that all people somewhere have. The antihero’s actions reflect what any morally average person would do, and this makes readers feel very uncomfortable knowing that they would more than likely do the same. This discomfort is what makes characters such as these so oddly compelling. In the fourth chapter of the novel while Julia is having a “daymare” of the incident, we first see how Liv exemplifies these …show more content…

Having issues makes characters such as these much more unique and memorable than an ordinary hero. In almost every story the audience has a fairly uniform idea of what a hero is. This would be the quintessential Mr. Perfect, Superman archetype that has been used thousands of times before. When a hero or antihero has flaws, there many options to develop this character to texturize the narrative, and giving the character flaws can give the reader something to relate to as mentioned

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