The Role Of Abigail Williams In The Crucible '

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In “The Crucible”, the character of Abigail Williams behaves in a hypocritical manner as she is the one who fuels the witch trials and depicts herself as a malicious person. At end of Act I, Abigail says how she wants the “light of god” and the “ sweet love of Jesus!”(Miller 48). Abigail is pretending to be the righteous and innocent person by hiding behind the name of god but her true intentions are very far from what she claims. The town believes her claim about others being a witch and her being a innocent girl who is just struggling through all of this. Abigail exposes her real identity to the audience as she confronts John Proctor. In the interaction of Proctor and Abigail, Abigail makes the statement about how she saw his face when

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