The Road Not Taken

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I enjoyed reading the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, since it was a fantastic execution of an important lesson. An aspect that I enjoyed was the straightforward, story-oriented structure of the poem. The structure of the poem had a conventional story structure with a beginning, middle, and end. In the beginning, the traveler comes to the fork in the road and decides which road to take. In the middle, he chooses a road and feels later feels regret. In the end, he thinks about his plans for the future. This structure allowed me to be able to easily follow along. Instead of spending a lot of time to understand the structure, I could concentrate on deciphering the theme of the poem. This was a great help to allow me to understand the meaning of the poem, as it was a complex poem. …show more content…

At first, I didn’t comprehend the figurative meaning behind the line and interpreted the line literally. I thought the speaker would actually sigh before he told the story. After I re-read the poem a couple of times, I understood that the speaker may not actually sigh, but will want to, because of the remorse and regret the speaker continues to feel, even years after the decision is made. I also really enjoyed the theme of the poem, which is to “seize the day”. The poem encourages the reader to make decisions from their own opinions, not from the crowd. The poems encourages the reader to be happy with their decisions and find the happiness the speaker wasn’t able to find. I share the same attitude. My intention is to “seize the day” by making decisions in life based on my own values, interests, and morals, even if it diverges from the crowd. Instead of feeling regret over the choices that I didn’t make, I want to live each day after my decision to the

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