The Report Card

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The theme of the book “The Report Card” written by Andrew Clemens is that test scores do not always reflect a person’s intelligence or as Nora puts it, grades are “based on a bunch of stupid information that anybody with half a brain can memorize.” Plot summary: Eleven-year-old and now fifth grader Nora Rose Rowley remembers everything in her life. Everything was easy for Nora. She was able to solve puzzles, read, write and complete schoolwork at an early age; however, she does not want to attract attention to herself. She did not want anyone to know that she was a genius. According to the story, Nora started to imitate her classmates in kindergarten so as not to stand out and therefore becoming ordinary or average. Nora has managed to …show more content…

If you got a bad grade then you would be labeled as stupid. So in Nora’s school, everyone was smart, average or dumb depending on the grades they got. Nora decided to change things by bringing home a bad report card. The author did an excellent job in making me feel like I was there. The fact that a student took home a bad report card and how her parents were not pleased and then they met with her teachers and principal. I could picture that parent-teacher meeting. I could picture Nora being tested to determine whether she had special needs. This happens in schools today. A lot of importance is placed on grades and grades are still used today to indicate intelligence. Students today compete with each other, and use grades to label and place individuals in groups. Each character is believable. There are students with characteristic like that of Ann, her straight A sister Todd, her As and B brother, Stephen, her best friend who thinks he is dumb based on the results of his test, and even Nora who is smart but hides her ability from everyone to name a few. These characters can be found in many schools today and even this class. The teachers and principal like those in the book also exist today. I am happy however, that my parents don’t make us read our report cards to

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