The Renaissance And Pre-Columbian Era

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The Renaissance and Pre Columbian era were prospering periods for both Eastern and Western hemispheres. So much so, that the Europeans began to explore West, thus setting in motion events that would shape American countries forever.Consequently, curious encounters soon turned malicious and hostile as the leaders in exploration, Portugal and Spain, purloined Native Americans’ great cities.To them, their actions were justicefiable because they saw the Native Americans as savage and uncivilized. With this in mind, what makes a nation enlightened? Is it how government is run, how the people live by their ethics or how they train their armed forces? Or how they manage their agriculture? Certainly, the Native Americans were quite organized, and quite …show more content…

For this reason, can they really be labeled savage if they exhibit problem solving skills? For instance, “ Like the people of Teotihuacan before them, they drained swamps, constructed irrigation works and terraces, and used chinampas, or floating gardens.” Essentially, they got the most out of Lake Texcoco, they used reeds and muck from the banks to construct the chinampas and were able to use it to serve long term purposes. Likewise, “Chinampas made it possible to sustain urban life by boosting agriculture production.” In contrast, more primitive methods would have been nomadic hunting and gathering; In reality, the Aztecs were able to survive and thrive based upon logic and planning. However, ingenious farming methods does suffice enough to sustain empires; As a result, the Aztecs and Inca leave powerful legacies of unstoppable militaries and structured …show more content…

Again, such feats can not be achieved by uncivilized people; it takes a great deal of dedicated and strong individuals in order to accomplish what they did. For example, the Inca was perhaps the strongest of all Pre Columbian empires; as they managed to claim a great deal of the the west south American coast. In fact, “The expansion of the Inca state was accomplished by a large and well-organized military, and the empire was held together by a remarkable system of roads running north and south both along the coast and in the mountains.” In the same way, the Aztecs possessed a fierce military, to emphasize, “Like the Toltecs before them, the Aztecs rose to power through military might, with tough fighting skills and a tendency toward aggressive expansion.”Provide that, the Native Americans were capable of defending themselves and using force to maintain order and pursue other ambitions. On the other hand, some may argue that this simply doesn’t suffice; as the Native Americans are rightfully seen as primitive due to a lack of advanced weaponry in comparison to the

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