The Reformer of the Roman Empire

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Julius Caesar said, “I saw, I come, I conquered.” ( .These words fueled Julius Caesar to become a reformer for the Roman Republic. I think Julius Caesar was a symbol of truth, justice, and courage because he fought to earn his spot in Rome and he inspires a lot of people and he rewards people. There are a lot of reasons of why Julius Caesar is a symbol.
Before Julius was even born, discover how Rome formed. Ancient Rome has been found by Romulus and Remus. When they were born, they were left in a basket on the Tiber River. They defeated the city’s king and they formed a new city along the river banks. Later, Romulus kills Remus and Romulus became the first Roman King (
At last, the first Roman government was formed. The government is a monarchy until 509 B.C. That's when the Romans overthrew the King Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. Now the powers of the monarch pass to two consuls. The consuls served as the commander of chief. The Romans elected the two consuls to be commander of chief. In 450 B.C. the first Roman code has been enforced. The codes were inscribed 12 bronze tablets (
Rome expanded a lot during the centuries. They got more land from the Punic Wars. Rome’s military conquests led the society to grown cultural growth. There are struggles during the late Republic ages. The economy was awful. Violence grew in Roman cities. There are reformers who help the government and this is when Julius comes in play (
Before I talk about Julius Caesar, I want to talk about his early life. When Julius Caesar became 16, his father died and he decided to be a priest but then he was exile from Rome. He married Cornelia during the time. The reason of why Julius was exile fro...

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...2). Julius Caesar died but his legacy continues.
During his era, he helped many people with their financial problems. His legacy inspired a lot of Romans to reform the Roman government. For example, His nephew Octavian established a new government for Rome and he got more land by conquering and helped out the treasury (Sherman, 151-152). People thought Julius was a reformer for the Roman Empire and they thought Julius Caesar inspired a lot of people to take actions.
Julius Caesar did a lot of things to Roman government by reforming the laws and create calendar and gave citizenship to people.
He set an example to the people and to future people. Julius Caesar was a symbol for everything because he fought to earn his spot as dictator and help people out. As Augustus said, “Young men, hear an old man to whom old men hearkened when he was young (”

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