The Reflection Of The Traditional Philosophy Of Education

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The question of how to teach our students has been a major topic in philosophy since anybody can remember; some believe it started with Socrates, Aristotle and Plato. Now it has become a highly questioned issue in our modern society. While there have been many different ways to answer this question we seem to forget sometimes what is important. We seem to forget that it is not how we teach, but what the children will get out the classes and will they be able to take something with them to survive in the real world from these classes. Some teachers are strong believers in tradition they feel as if the teacher should be in charge and have all the input in the classroom. The teachers are the one that control what the students are learning and only they have the answer. Under the traditional philosophy of education there are three major subcategories Essentialism, Perennialism and Behaviorism. With this teaching styles we are able to see that the curriculum is based on what the teacher’s ideas are and to educate the basic needs of the students, although the students will learn the basics the students will not grow as critical thinkers and will not be able to really apply what they are learning in the classroom. Some teachers still use this approach and do not really let go of what they are used the book is like their bible nothing can be wrong in the textbook and that’s what they want their students to learn from.
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As a teacher I hope to keep the students interested and make them realize just how important math can be in someone’s life. Showing both a skill and drill approach and giving them the ability to critically think will help me prepare my student for the real world and show them that they can achieve a lot more than just giving me the simple answer of what two plus two

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