The Reflection Of My Personal Philosophy Of Business Ethics

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Every person has their own personal philosophy on life. This is shaped by many different aspects such as upbringing and life experience. A personal philosophy is unique to each individual. Undoubtedly my personal philosophy has changed over the years which is only natural. When I was teenager my focus was on having fun and not thinking about the consequences of my decisions. Like most people age brought wisdom and I slowly began to realize that life had more to it than partying with my friends. My life experience has result in developing a personal philosophy that includes the concepts of appreciating beauty, personal identify, and business ethics. Each concept plays a unique role in who I am today. While I do not hold any aspect …show more content…

To begin with, business ethics is a topic that has made headlines all over the country. Scandals such what occurred with Enron or the bailout of major corporations have brought the concept of business ethics to the attention of the entire country. The problem is clearly defining business ethics. In reality the purpose of a business is to create profits for the business owner. The problem becomes finding the balance between earning the maximum profit possible while attempting not to violate the moral code of society. Sometimes this can be difficult as some see the drive to earn profit as greed. (Ethical Responsibilities of Business, …show more content…

Classes in business ethics are being required at 70% of the business schools in the United States. These courses provide students with the background they need to make ethical decisions when they get out of school. These courses also challenge students to examine the way they view acceptable behavior in business. While the courses are not perfect the classes gives them the background knowledge and as students age they are more capable of understanding that knowledge. (Wang & Calvano,

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