The Reflection Of Calculus

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I found myself to be struggling in the subject of calculus. Calculus is the study of how things change and is often represented in complex equations and functions that represent the different elements involved in change and their consequences when interacting with each other. Calculus sets up the framework for describing the intricacies of position, speed, and acceleration. Calculus also deals with motion of an object along a fixed path. Furthermore, functions are used to describe the quantities of interest in all the systems to which calculus is applied. Many people struggle in this subject due to the advanced math skills it requires and the understanding of several different subjects of mathematics including algebra, trigonometry, and logarithms. …show more content…

In a way, it is, but it expands upon the equations to find more precise and complex solutions to the problems posed. I found myself struggling to keep up, especially as the flu kept me from school for nearly a week. Catching up was more difficult than I anticipated as I had to attempt to understand the notes without a verbal explanation and example. As a rather visual learner, I need to see the new material applied and exactly how each step works before I understand. This turned out to be problematic as without help and proper understanding, my usually high grade was dropping. I knew I had to do something. My grades are important to me and it is imperative for me to get good grades so that I can proceed towards my life and education goals without the impediment of my grades displaying poor skills. A change needed to …show more content…

Most of the time, I missed a step in the process or made the problem more hard on myself by trying to oversimplify. I found I struggled most in Trigonometry. I just couldn’t seem to grasp the concept of adding pi to the mix and how to decipher radians in their relations to piecewise functions. More recently, the trig managed to confuse me again but this time because I was attempting to prove trigonometric identities and find derivatives of the functions. It was hard and frustrating work for both the teacher and me. She was quite patient and understanding, especially as I was often confused and frustrated to tears. Slowly, the jumbles of numbers took shape and I was able to complete a problem on my own. While I still struggle, the tutoring sessions have been noticeably

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