The Red Queen Hypothesis

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The origin of sex is a highly debated topic with many different theories. The question of sex raises several questions including where did sex come from, what is the purpose of sex, and why is sexual reproduction so widespread in multicellular organisms. The paradox of sex refers to the question of why sex is so widespread in multicellular eukaryotes when it is costly in evolutionary terms.(1) For example, sexual reproduction requires recombination and meiosis and two parents which are both costly requirements. The costs of sexual reproduction include breaking up previously successful combination of genes by recombination, the dilution of one’s genetic contribution by half, and the energy and time costs of finding a suitable mate.(1) Another …show more content…

The term comes from Lewis Carroll’s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass where the Red Queen declares "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place." (10) Valen asserted that “continuing development is needed just in order to maintain its fitness relative to the systems it is co-evolving with.” (11) The red queen hypothesis describes how organisms survive in changing environments by adapting through sexual reproduction.(12) This hypothesis is currently the favorite among evolutionary biologists in attempting to explain the reason for sex.(12) The red queen hypothesis is closely related to the topic of coevolution as sexual reproduction allows for faster adaptation in the evolutionary arms race between hosts and disease or between predators and prey.(13) As species that live at each other's expense co-evolve, they are engaged in a constant evolutionary struggle or arms race for a survival advantage.(13) The hypothesis refers to the possible production and development of unusual gene combinations in the characteristic gene shuffling frequent in sexually reproducing organisms during meiosis.(12) These unusual gene combinations could increase the likelihood of escaping infection.(12) Sexual reproduction is thus considered a mechanism to produce variable offspring that may have new gene combinations and rare genotypes that would provide a survival …show more content…

As a result of the viral infection by two viruses, both viruses would replicate, producing four homologous chromosomes which would then be 'handcuffed' together in such a way preventing further replication.(14) Viral segregation mechanisms ensure that the viral pairs would segregate to either pole of the cell during replication.(14) After a round of replication, there would still be two viral chromosomes attached to each other and viral replication could not continue.(14) As a result, the cell would enter a second replication cycle to segregate the individual viral chromosomes into the host cells.(14) This

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