The Reconstruction-Era

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The Reconstruction-Era The Reconstruction-era offered numerous opportunities to African-Americans, by attempting to secure the rights for ex-slaves, but the opportunities presented even more obstacles to them. The thought of freedom intrigued the African-Americans at first, but many of them quickly changed their minds after experiencing it. Henry William Ravenel, a slaveowner, proclaimed, "When they were told they were free, some said they did not wish to be free, and they were silenced with threats of being shot (Firsthand 24)." The Reconstruction-era effected the white settlers and their crops, as well, posing yet more obstacles for the already-struggling African-Americans. The hardships endured throughout this period of history were very immense and the struggle toward freedom and equality held a heavy price for all. After the Civil War, many of the ex-slaves moved away from their masters with their families in hopes of owning their own land, but very few found success. Many of the slaves found that they had a harder time being free than they did during slavery. The African-Americans now had to fend for themselves but most lacked the money, land, and jobs to do so. Some of the ex-slaves decided to stay and work for their masters for money, food, and shelter, but many were not fortunate enough to have that option. Many African-Americans died because they could not support themselves or their families on their own. The ex-slaveowners were also in a bad position at this point because they lack the manpower to manage their land. Henry William Ravenel, a former slaveowner, stated "Our Finances are in such a condition that universal discontent and real suffering exists (Firsthand 21)." ... ... middle of paper ... ...and the public grew informed of the brutal acts. The African-Americans began to move West and by doing so, greatly reduced the white men's income and avenged their deceased friends. The Reconstruction-era was an extremely rough period for the African-Americans as well as many white settlers. The African-Americans endured numerous hardships and losses as a result of the white settlers' frustrations. Although the African-Americans' losses were great during this time, the progress made throughout that period is amazing. Many of them were sent off with nothing, to live on their own and a number of them managed to meet success. Their largest success came when the Reconstruction-era ended. African-Americans fought and struggled for their freedom, rights, and equality, for years, and although it took them a long time, they accomplished what they set out to do.

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