The Rebellion Dimension of the Drug Use Situation

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The Rebellion Dimension of the Drug Use Situation The reason for my doing this paper in such a strange and esoteric manner was in part me wanting to practice on designing studies and the subject matter contained within which is of great interest to myself. The hypothesis I posit is unique and you may not agree with it but I am attempting to look at the problem in a fresh view. The ideas found within are formed very young in life, beginning in childhood and strengthening in adolescence. The link to child psychology is as followed, certain attitudes are created in youth and must be extincted or at least limited and formed to a point where they will not lead to certain problems such as drug use. The following paper has a strong overtone of politics but as I may write in my next paper, there is a relationship between politics and youth as our government attempts to find why our youth are beginning to act as they are at the present time for the age for committing violent crimes, theft, drug use, and sex crimes is dropping rapidly. We have junior high children shooting one another and 9 year olds killing children and drug abuse is only one of the major conflicts found among an increasingly younger population. What factors influence people to try and use drugs? There are several such factors that can influence people to use illegal drugs. This study will explore the existing known factors that have been studied, but I will add a new factor that is rarely seen in such models. This factor could possibly be one of the most important of the variables involving drug use. There are several reasons to perform such a study. Drug policy is on every party platform in all levels of government. Overall use of illicit drugs h... ... middle of paper ... ... and Seekers: drugs on campus, counter cultures and American society. The American Scholar 38 (Winter), 97-112. Kohn, P.M. (1972). The Authoritarianism-Rebellion Scale: A Balanced F Scale with Left-Wing Reversals. Sociometry 35, 1, 176-189. Kohn, P. M., & G. W. Mercer. (1971). Drug Use, Drug-Use Attitudes, and the Authoritarianism-Rebellion Dimension. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 12, 2, 125-131. Marx, G.T. (1981). Ironies Of Social Control: Authorities As Contributors To Deviance Through Escalation, Nonenforcement And Covert Facilitation. Social Problems 28, 221-246. Pomozal, R.J., & Brown J.D. (1977). Understanding Drug Use Motivation. A New Look at a Current Problem. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 18, 212-222. Suchman, E.A. (1968). The "Hang --Loose" Ethic and the Spirit of Drug Use. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 9, 146-155.

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