The Reasons Behind the Success of The March Revolution

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The Reasons Behind the Success of The March Revolution

There are numerous reasons as to why the March Revolution was

successful, it is different from previous revolutions as the Tsar has

lost the support of the people and of the armed forces.

One reason for the March Revolution being so successful was the

weakness of Russia, its sheer size made it hard to control and monitor

events taking place over the country. Also, predominantly peasant

areas were fast becoming opposition to the Tsar due to their abject

poverty and the corrupt autocracy that enabled the rich to get richer

and gave nobles most good land. Also the Okhrana's involvement in

spying out opposition to the Tsar angered peasants as it they no

longer had privacy or freedom of speech, this belief was greatly

re-enforced with the censorship of all documents and broadcasts that

criticized the Tsar and the autocratic system.

Another reason for the March revolution being so successful was the

First World War. This showed the Russian people how badly led and

poorly equipped their country was. Russia suffered 2 huge defeats in

The Battle of Tannenburg and The Battle of The Masurian Lakes. The

threat of invasion loomed large over Russia creating a sense of

anxiety and unrest for the Russian people who were concerned over

their security. People were also angered at how unsuccessful Russia

were in the war

The Tsar and Tsarina were both also hugely unpopular amongst the

Russian people. They were hated for the events of Bloody Sunday which

saw thousands of Russian civilians killed by the Tsar's own armed

forces. Their defeat in the First World War was also put down to the

Tsar who had taken over the role as Commandering Chief during the war.

Whilst the Tsar was out on the front running the Russian army the

Tsarina was left in charge of the country in Petrograd. She made very

unwise decisions and also installed a lot of power upon Rasputin.

Rasputin was thought by many Russians to be tarnishing the image of

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