The Real Cost Of Freedom In Mel Gibson's Braveheart

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Mel Gibson directed and acted in the movie Braveheart. Braveheart was a movie crammed with information about the relationship between Scotland and England. The film Braveheart is a historical epic which exhibits superb acting, cinematography, and special effects to show its’ audiences the real cost of freedom. Mel Gibson’s Braveheart is an epic focusing on William Wallace, a historical figure in his 20’s who fought against British rule. The movie starts with a young William Wallace, a young boy who lives with his Uncle Argyle, who sees many Scottish nobles hanged by Englishman, which has a profound effect on him. Later in William’s life he meets and marries Murron MacClannough in secret. Murron’s throat is slit by the magistrate shortly after …show more content…

The film showed this through the battle that the Scots had against the English. There are several scenes in the movie that show this. For example William says, “You can take our lives, but you will never take our freedom,” before a battle. This last emotional appeal stirs up the soldiers to cheer and move into battle in unity. This film shows that freedom can cost the ultimate sacrifice one can give. This sacrifice is their life. You only have one, but the people in this movie are willing to lose their for …show more content…

It aligns with history accurately, has great acting, and features many emotional scenes. Mel Gibson’s ability to bring so much emotion to one movie is shocking. Braveheart is one of my favorite movies because William Wallace is an irresistible character whose story is incredibly inspiring. I honestly would not change a thing about this movie. The film is artwork, and fact that it is only 93 on the rating list of 250 is a shame. The movie does have violence, but the violence serves a point to show that freedom is not free, and that sometimes it does take a gruesome death to obtain freedom. Braveheart is one of the first movies I recommend to anyone I meet, just because of how good it

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