The Reader Character Analysis

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A Hard Past and Harder Future
In the novel The Reader by Traci Chee the past events of two main characters affect them negatively in the present. After Sefia’s mother dies and one of the antagonist named Sakaaran kills her father, Sefia’s aunt Nin is the only one she has left. When the other antagonist Hatchet captures Nin, Sefia is left alone and unwilling to love anyone or be loved. Another negative effect of this is that Sefia’s only goal is to get revenge on the people who killed and captured her family. The other main character Archer is also negatively affected by his past. Archer was a fighter who was only trained to fight and kill opponents in a ring. This affects him negatively because he associates the sight of the sky and ground with pain and death.
When Sefia finds Archer in a crate being dragged around by Hatchet’s men she …show more content…

Sefia sees the symbol on the cover of the book her parents left for her and gives it meaning. “Two curves for her parents, a curve for Nin. The straight line for herself. The circle for what she had to do: learn what the book was for. Rescue Nin. And if she could, punish the people responsible” (Chee 57). The only thing Sefia wants to do is get revenge on the people who hurt her family and figure out what the book is for. Furthermore, when Sefia mets the pirates she read about in her book she fits in naturally with their crew but refuses to stay with them. “‘You don’t hafta do this Sef,’ Horse said. “You can come with us.’...for a second she hesitated. But when she looked up…was the symbol she had been seeking” (Chee 350). For a second Sefia contemplates staying with Captain Reed’s crew but then sees the symbol and is reminded of what she has to do. Rescuing Nin and getting revenge is all she wants to do and she will not stop even to stay with a whole crew of

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