The Rape Of Nanking Summary

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While reading your book, I learned so many things that happened in World War II that I didn't know about. I always thought that Japan was swept up in the war by Germany, but how wrong was I. "The Rape of Nanking" opened my eyes to how the Japanese thought about other ethnicities and how they felt that they were superior. I learned the treacherous they did to the Chinese people. I thought that some of the things you wrote were exaggerations, but with the pictures you provide, made me realize that it was not exaggerations, but actual events that happened at Nanking. I learned that the Holocaust was not the only horrible event of war that was going on. The book was one of the hardest books to read with all the rapes, mutilation of females and torture male Chinese. How they did not spare old woman, children and pregnant women. How the Japanese didn't even treat their own females with respect. Also, the pictures and the maps gave me more a vivid visual of what happend. In the beginning, I thought that the rapes were as gruesome as they really are. As well as, it made me think without a dought, that everything this book is true. How a second Holocaust of the Chinese was not giving its place in history and how historian at schools do not mention it to the people. …show more content…

Jonh Rabe gave small gifts as present for birthdays, rescued women or female children that were being raped by Japanese soldiers. He gave food to re refugee and tried to help as many as he could. Therefore he was one of the greatest heroes of helping the Chinese people not to lose hope, but in the end was condemned with the rest of nazi party. He was threatened and left in poverty after the war. Although, the Chinese people did not forget his generosity in their time of need and the Chinese people saved money up to give to

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