The Raft Boat Summary

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This book is about a girl the age of 15 who goes and visits her cool aunt for a long time in Hawaii. Then her aunt has to go to L.A. for a week and then Robie has a week to herself without anyone checking in on hre because the friend that was supposed to has car trouble. Since no one was home to check on her she could do whatever she wanted. Then she wanted to go home because a guy freaked her out by grabbing her hair. So she got on a plane by herself and headed back home with the same pilot driving every time she came or left the island she trusted him. Next things go from good to bad. Because Robies favorite pilet ever tells her that they lost engine power over the middle of the ocean and that he was going try to control the plane but if …show more content…

Robie remembers reading somewhere that the weight limit for a raft boat is only 110 pounds. So to get rid of some pounds she tied Max out side of the boat. Robie was not concentrated on Max because she was getting all of the water of the boat. So whenever she turned around to check on Max he was gone. Then a little later she heard someone scream. It was Max coming toward the boat he was fine just tired. Max and Robie take turns sleeping and looking out for boats, land, and planes. Robie woke up on a beach. Without Max he was nowhere in sight. She thought she landed on a island that had people on it because their was lighters and trash everywhere. Robie wanted to start a fire so she got all the lighters and poured all the fluid on some dry wood about to start a fire. Then Max floated up to the island acting normal like nothing bad had happened to him. They had no food or good water for a couple of days. Or any sign of people that had come around they didn't hear any vehicles or other human noises. Max mostly slept all day and night and didn't say much to Robie. A while later a boat with a lot of people showed up on the shore and rescued her. She thought was with her the whole time but he wasn't the last time he was with her was when Robie tied him out of the little

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