The Quest For Individualism In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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The Awakening is the title of a novel written by Kate Chopin and published in 1899. The novel was met with much controversy upon its release due to the feminist sentiments present throughout the novel; sentiments which were antithetical to those that were ubiquitous in American society at the time. The Awakening; however, proved itself as a landmark piece of writing overtime, garnering the title of the first novel of the feminist movement in the U.S. The Awakening, set primarily in New Orleans and Grand Isle, Louisiana, envelops the story of Edna Pontellier and her quest for individuality. The name of the novel is indicative of the awakening which Edna undergoes throughout the novel. Edna’s awakening begins with her time with Robert Lebrun …show more content…

Edna’s societal awakening first begins when she almost drowns when she swims too far out into the ocean, and returns to land, chich represents society. This allegorical scene serves the purpose of showing that Edna is still early in her awakening and needs to experience more in order to become fully awakened. The notion; however, that the path to awakening is tumultuous and difficult is reinforced when Mademoiselle Reisz states “‘ The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth,’” (89) displaying how becoming independent from society is hard and is often met with failure. Edna does not fully recognize what is required to become free, but it becomes more clear when Madame Ratignolle tells Edna, while she is giving birth, to “‘Think of the children, Edna. Oh think of the children! Remember them,’” (120) which reminds Edna that society is still constraining her individuality by utilizing her kids. Edna’s realization that society will not allow her to become a independent being is seen when Robert writes “‘ I love you. Good-by--because I love you,” (122) which exemplifies that even Edna’s lover is still constrained by society, and therefore will not have an affair with Edna because as Robert states “you were not free; you were Leonce Pontellier’s wife,” (116) displaying to Edna that Robert still views her as Leonce’s possession, due to their marriage. Edna due to these events progresses through her societal awakening by having the revelation that society in its current state does not allow for women to become individuals, and so she returns to grand isle to go on a swim where, without fear or intention of returning, she

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