The Puritans In Early England

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In the New World, colonies of Europeans were forming rapidly across the east coast. These colonies were seemingly founded on the ideas of oppression as well as dreams of wealth and glory, except for one particular group of religious colonists who dreamed of creating“the city upon the hill”. But who were these people and how did their ideas and beliefs affect Early America? In England a religious group of people known as the Puritans were finding themselves unhappy with the Anglican Church. The Puritans, numbered 102 men women and children, found themselves relocating to America and settling near Cape Cod in southeastern Massachusetts to escape the church and practice their own religion. Their mission was to build a society of independent farm …show more content…

They were congregationalists, meaning they believed that every local church was independent or autonomous. Their first influential leader was John Winthrop. His ideal Puritan colony was to be one that resembled “a city upon the hill”, one in which all others would look to for guidance. The Puritans believed in model religious communities, where all was good and pure. Unlike Catholicism, the Puritans believed in The Doctrine of Elect, a predetermined list of souls to be eternally saved or eternally damned. Although the Puritans believed that souls had been chosen long before, it was still status quo to act as if you were one of the divine chosen. Those who did not abide by social standards were more often than not judge for their differences. To be a misfit was to be almost exiled. Those who did not fit the status quo or maintain a positive character were deemed odd and foreign. Social life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony revolved around church. Puritans were some of the most intolerant people around. Puritans believed in religious freedom for those who fit their mold, those who were their idea of a godly citizen. The Puritans also believed highly in a strong work ethic. To be lazy was to be sloth like, one of the deadly sins. To be sinful was to invite the devil and the wrath of God into the land, and those who did so were punished with great severity. The Puritans believed that through a strict religious lifestyle and a strong hardworking colony they could influence other communities and colonies to establish and abide by their laws and their

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