The Prostitutes In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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The female characters of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest can be separated into two quite different categories: prostitutes and “ball cutters”. Prostitutes are portrayed as the “good” characters while the “ball cutter” characters are seen as “cruel”, such as Billy Bibbit’s mother, Harding’s wife, Nurse Ratched, and Chief Bromden’s mother. Respectively of these women are committed on dominating men by emasculating them, though the prostitutes Candy and Sandy are enthusiastic into pleasing men and doing what they're told to do. Despite the apparent nature of this observation, Kesey objects higher than just asserting male dominance above female acquiescence. His goal is to affirm those qualities branded as feminine to undermine those qualities …show more content…

When Harding’s wife came to visit, she immediately gets into an argument with Harding and plays with her husband’s sexual insecurities by using her sexuality to this advantage. Billy Bibbit’s mother still continues to treat him as a child. This was he could never sexually develop and never had any long lasting relationships. Due to his lack of relationships, he truly had no confidence in himself and was why he personally checked himself into the psychiatric hospital, much like other patients. But when he interacts with one of the “good” characters, Candy, a prostitute, he manages to regain some of his confidence back, which is cut short due to his suicide when Nurse Ratched threatens to tell his mother of him sleeping with Candy, which is another example of Nurse Ratched emasculating many of the male characters. Bromden’s mother similarly has a great power over her son much like Billy’s mother. But in Bromden’s case, his mother built herself up by putting both Bromden and his father down. She managed to change the once powerful and fierce chief into a weak alcoholic. Will Bromden’s mother seems to emasculate the males in her family in a more severe and powerful way, while Billy’s mother seems to do it in an even “nurturing” sort of view, both women have ruined their sons through their very controlling

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