The Pros And Cons Of Using Animals For Learning Purposes

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Is it ethical for people to use animals for learning purposes? To some people it might be ethical but what about the rest? Does their morality or gut feeling tell them it’s wrong. Should people be allowed to do this? The response from the majority of the community states that people shouldn’t use animals for learning purposes because they undergo surgery or harsh treatment on live or dead animals. This could potentially hurt and change the way they are. Not only does performing these actions have lots of effects on the animals, it also affects us too! There are plenty of more reasons in which using animals for learning purpose is not ethical. First of all, animals have the right to live. They too, want to live just like any other living thing, so why should we take that away from them. They are subjected to very painful and cruel procedures. It could be before or after they are done with them. This also deals with students too! One of the main reasons animals go through this is because schools are using them to further learn about them. Does it really benefit …show more content…

It’s shown that a large quantity of animals such as dogs, cats, frogs, and plenty of more are put through painful procedures. Not only that, but students don’t recall what they have learned. Many people on the opposing side say that using animals for learning purposes could be a way for people to understand m People remember things they can touch or practice doing more than they remember information that they studied. It could also be a way to control animal shelter problems. According to recent studies, about 61 percent of people performed better using human alternatives than dissecting. Studies also showed that using animals for learning purpose does help control animal shelter problems but half of the animals used once belonged in a home. You could be dissecting someone’s

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