The Pros And Cons Of Underage Drunk Driving

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Alcohol is a drug. It is an intoxicating depressant that affects the central nervous system of the human body. This depressant, even in small dosages, can impair neuronal functional and motor skills. Drunk driving is a serious issue that is persistent in our society today. Every two minutes another individual in the United States is killed as a result of drunk driving. Although underage drinkers represent only around ten percent of all motorists, they are involved in 17% of all drinking while driving fatalities. Since the Drinking Age Act of 1984, the number of drunk driving fatalities has declined. However, it is still a major issue especially amongst the youngest of motorists. Although drunk driving, as a whole is an issue, teenage drunk For example research shows that teenagers are not as effective in impulse control compared to adults. As a result they tend to take more risks than adults, especially in motor vehicles. Many of our current programs to curb drunk driving have worked, but only to an extent. Despite the fact that there has been a 54% decline in teenage drunk driving since the 1980s, the problem persists. 85% of underage drunk drivers report binge drinking before getting involved in an incident. This is an even more serious issue that needs to be fought with new policies and legislation. The current laws today in many states penalizes convicted teens with fines, community service, alcohol education, license suspensions and documentation of incidents. Three potential alternatives or extensions to our current methods are to target the enablers of underage drinking, increase sobriety checks on high-risk days and require mandatory interlock breathalyzers on all This law would decrease the rate of underage drunk driving, by penalizing property owners who host underage social drinking events, that result in alcohol related injuries or deaths. For example if two parents hosted a party with underage drinking, they would face steep penalties if an injury or death occurred afterwards. As a indirect result, hosts would be more inclined to prevent underage drinkers from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. In states that have previously enacted these laws, there was a 21% decline in underage drunk driving accidents. This evidence shows that if enacted on a federal level, hundreds of lives could potentially be

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