The Pros And Cons Of Underage Drinking

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Although many teenagers tend to disregard the law, the legal drinking age in the United States is twenty-one. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “8.7 million people ages 12-20 reported drinking alcohol in the past month” (“Alcohol Facts,” 2015). Of this group, 14% binge drink, and 3.7% admit to being heavy drinkers. Underage drinking can lead to greater issues, such as drinking and driving, alcohol poisoning, and violence (“Teenage Drinking,” n.d.). Underage drinking affects not only the minor, but the people around them as well. Teens will continue to endanger themselves and others if society continues to turn a blind eye to underage drinking (“Teenage Drinking,” n.d.). When driving under the influence, Children are taught in school that alcohol can be addicting and a hard habit to quit; the earlier teens start drinking, the harder the problem will be to overcome in the future. Binge drinking goes hand in hand with underage drinking; when teens consume alcohol, most of them have multiple drinks. This becomes a health risk, causing minors to miss school, pass out, and damage property (“Teenage Drinking,” n.d.). “The short and long-term consequences that arise from underage alcohol consumption are astonishing in their range and magnitude, affecting adolescents, the people around them, and society as a whole” (“Consequences of,” n.d.). The consequences of drinking can be life-threatening; the pleasure while drinking is not worth the dangers it There are ways the schools can educate students about the dangers of alcohol. Programs should be implemented across the country that motivate kids to make the right choices. Teachers, counselors, and administration should be there for the students to talk to if there are any issues. Extracurricular programs could be set in place so that the minors who do not have the best home lives could become involved in programs. The majority of teenagers who abuse alcohol have parents who have had previous problems with alcohol. Teachers are supposed to be mentors, and the students need to feel like teachers will be there to listen. Schools could hire motivational speakers or people who have experienced tragedy from underage drinking, to inform the students about how alcohol has affected them (Komro & Toomey, 2002). The researcher suggests that the downfall to this solution could be a financial burden to the school

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