The Pros And Cons Of The Boston Marathon Bombing

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What is the factor that unites the United States and what benefits comes from becoming a united nation? On April 15, 2013 the United States was united due to the tragic event that occurred in Boston that afternoon. The Boston Marathon is the world’s oldest marathon that is considered one of the most prestigious road-racing events in the world. Communities of the Boston area unite together to celebrate Patriots Day, during the Boston Marathon. The 117th annual marathon will go down in history as a terrorist attack. The event was eye opening and united the United States there were two hundred and sixty people who were injured that included life threatening and severe injuries as well as three casualties. Several photographs were captured that April afternoon that represent the horrific reactions of the marathon runners as well as the street officials. Photographer, Phillip Sherwell, captured an astonishing photo from a nearby building …show more content…

It appears that all of the officers are taking action to guide people presented on the Spring April day of the bombing. Dr. Eric Bluman, a doctor who saw many of the victims of the bombing recalls the impact that was made by the team of first responders and by the doctors that followed the Boston Marathon Bombing. Bluman claims, “If the circumstances would have altered the number of casualties would have increased” (Bluman 3). The benefit of unity that was displayed saved many Americans lives. In result, there were significantly less families that were directly impacted by the terrorist attack. The damage would have been painful unimaginable if the first responder team did not react the way they did. Their unity came from the common desire to help the people who were injured by the explosion and to prevent other people from becoming injured. Unity is formed through a common desire that will impact a

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