The Pros And Cons Of The Bible Justice System

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Bryan, it appears that South Carolina’s court system is similar to that of Missouri. I appreciated you thread and with that being said, Professor has proposed the following question, “If there could be changes made to make our court system more compatible with the biblical model, what would it be and why?” Most would agree that our country was founded on Christian principles and those that don’t should thank their lucky stars that we were (e.g., atheists, socialists). Our God is God of “all” and that includes civil government. The practical reality of liberal politics is the reduction of institutions that advocate true compassion and fairness, including the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, federalism, the Rule of Law, natural law, and traditional …show more content…

It is my opinion that the reason that the death penalty is not a deterrent is because the murderer is not executed in a timely manner due to the appeals process. The imperfection of the criminal justice system lies with the fact that humans operate it: human sinfulness and the need for spiritual redemption is the reason for errors with the legal system (1 John 1:8-10). In order to maintain balance, God knew that tough laws (despite a human’s age) needed to be enacted due to the sinful nature of humankind. The Bible subscribes to a list of offenses with the mandated punishments set forth by God. The Word of God is inerrant and His directive for heinous crimes (e.g., murder, rape) was the death penalty (Genesis 9:5, 6; Exodus 21:15; Numbers 35:31; Deuteronomy 17:6, 22:25). Society has a legal and moral responsibility to respond to criminal victimization in order to preserve order and protect the community. God is ultimately forgiving, however His laws are clear. (Genesis 9:5, 6; Exodus 21:15; Numbers 35:31; Deuteronomy 17:6, 22:25). The Constitution guarantees offenders a fair trial, not a license to avoid justice. God, who is the greatest Criminal Justice Master in the Universe, the Supreme Law Maker and Giver, states in no uncertain terms that justice is to be equated with and sanctioned in accordance with the crime committed and that punishment to be delivered swiftly (Genesis 9: 5-6; Exodus 21; 1-31; Leviticus 24:7-22; Deuteronomy 13: 6-11, 19: 13-20, 25: 2; Romans 13: 1-4). The bottom line is, the imperfection of the criminal justice system lies with the fact that humans operate it: human sinfulness and the need for spiritual redemption is the reason for errors with the legal system (1 John

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