The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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The ethical debate over if the decision to drop the atomic bomb was necessary will most likely never be resolved. As of today the United States becomes the first and only nation to use an atomic weaponry during war time. The first atomic bomb was dropped on Japanese territory, first an American bomber Enola Gay dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 following the atomic bomb on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Through the dropping of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki in Japan, it marked the end of World War II killing thousands of innocent people. Many historians now believe that the cause of this also ignited the Cold War.
President Harry S. Truman had been warned by advisors that any attempt made to Japan would result of horrific American casualties. …show more content…

Critics have charged against that Truman’s decision was a very cruel act that eventually brought negative long term consequences to the United States. Even, some military analysts insisted that Japan was on its knees and the bombing was unnecessary. Many have said that the reason why the atomic bomb wasn’t a fair deal was because the atomic bomb had been basically made as a defensive weapon not to be an offensive one. Also, opponents of Truman’s decision over dropping the atomic bomb argued that racism had been played due to the fact that if the bomb had been ready on time it would had not been used against Germany territory. Americans mocked and criticised the Japanese race. Even though, Americans didn’t like Mussolini, Hitler, and Nazis they hated the Japanese more. While, it is easy to see that extreme racism toward the Japanese existed, it is much more difficult to assess the role rasim may have been played in President Truman’s decision. However, there is many occasions in the historical record where the president does refer to the Japanese in …show more content…

One alternative might have been to arrange a demonstration of the bomb. If representatives of the Japanese government, military and its scientific community could have seen the bomb, it might have been enough to convince them of the foolishness of continued resistance. Had the atomic bomb not worked the United States would have looked weak and foolish. Also, if America was trying to show that they had more power they should have at least dropped it in less populated area still showing what the bomb could do instead of killing more than 200,000 innocent lives. The people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not criminals they were not guilty of what was going on. Their was many diplomatic options available that could have changed this action. Like for 9/11 their was many Americans killed and all of a sudden it became World Tower Day. The nukes were a hundreds of times worser than those of 9/11. Everyone was innocent so why was it okay to kill hundreds of people in Japan there's really no

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